Who bundled Katie up in her little white blanket
Mommy did Mommy did
Pulled her down to Grandma's in the little red wagon
Mommy did Mommy did
Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy did Yeah she did
Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy did

Who talked to little Katie with a singy-songy voice
Grandma did Grandma did
Does my itsy-bitsy baby want her ittle-biddle toy
Grandma Grandma Grandma Grandma Grandma Grandma did...

Who jumped up on the table with a little pitter-patter
Kitty did Kitty did
Laid on Katie's blanket like it really didn't matter
Kitty did Kitty did
Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty did...

Who nibbled Katie's fingers and each of Katie's toes
Daddy did Daddy did
Picked her up to the ceiling and kissed on the nose
Daddy did Daddy did
Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy did...

Who sat in Grandma's kitchen propped up in the rocker
Katie did Katie did
Making little noises kinda like a grasshopper
Katie did Katie did
Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie did Yeah she did
Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie Katie did I heard her myself...

(K. Williams)
© 2001 & 2004 Canny Lark Music