Steve Holmes, Administrative Coordinator, Self-Advocacy Association
of New York State and Advisor, Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE)
"Respect: Songs of the Self-Advocacy Movement is a kick-ass collection of songs that really captures the spirit of the movement."
Professor Wolf Wolfensberger, Director of the Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership, and Change Agentry, Syracuse University:
"Quite striking songs... he poignantly captures the experience of being on the receiving end of society's oppression. We think his work should have a much broader exposure."
Mark Friedman, Coordinator and Jerome Iannuzzi, Board Member, Speaking For Ourselves:
"The song you wrote for us touches peoples' experiences so strongly it is almost uncanny that you could get so much into so few words. [It] has had a powerful impact on our members; it brings people together and it makes us strong."
Mouth, The Voice Of Disability Rights (on "The ADA Song"):